About this page
This is a web view of a Blender Custom 3D Avatar AddOn I wrote as a learning exercise for Blender programming. Here is a page where I describe that work. This is a morphable ethnicity character with percentage-wise blending between Asian, African and Caucasian. How ever you configure the ethnicity settings, all other facial controls blend in those ethnic percentages in other morph targets.
Additional avatar customization controls are available by clicking the tabs labeled "Ethnicity & Body", "Face", and so on. Each tab is a set of controls for modifying that aspects of the avatar's appearance.
Above the tabs and beneath the 3D View are controls for the camera placement and camera lens. When the camera len slider is on the left the camera generates a telephoto image, and pushing the slider to the right generates a wide angle view.
Left mouse button click-drags inside the 3D View rotate the camera around the camera's view target.
Right mouse button click-drags inside the 3D View moves the camera and the camera view target.
Rolling the mouse wheel inside the 3D View moves the camera forward and backward into and out of the 3D scene.